Past Conferences

Fall 2024 - CGAIT Conference

November 14 - 15, 2024
Breckenridge, Colorado


Summer 2024 - CGAIT Conference

June 9 - 12, 2024
Snowmass, Colorado


Summer 2023 - CGAIT Conference

June 11 - 14, 2023
Snowmass, CO


Fall 2022 - CGAIT Fall Gathering

October 13-14, 2022
Fort Collins, CO

Summer 2022 - CGAIT Conference

June 12 - 15 2022
The Viewline Resort, Snowmass, CO

Fall 2019 - CGAIT Conference

September 29 - October 2, 2019
Pueblo, CO

Spring 2019 - CGAIT Conference

April 28 - May 1, 2019
Aspen Meadows, Aspen, CO

Excellence Awards


  • Point-to-Point Telecommunication Services – Town of Windsor (small org winner)
    Traditionally, fiber is run to every Town building in order to provide appropriate and adequate connectivity to support functions. The IT team was challenged to reduce their budget so we looked into point-to-point networking versus traditional fiber runs. We found that we could implement point-to-point services in several locations, ultimately saving the Town about $600,000 in 2019 alone.
  • Jail Dashboard – Larimer County (large org winner)
    Rising population in Larimer County has led to higher home values, more traffic and, sadly, less available beds at the County Jail. Many factors impact this reality, but a lack of readily available/consumable data leads to a misinformed public, and could lead to misinformed ballot decisions come election day.

    To ensure key stakeholders and citizens are informed, our team developed and launched a real-time dashboard to tell the data-driven story of what impacts the count of jail population.


  • Parcel Land Splits and Consolidations – La Plata County (50-100k population)
    Historically, much of La Plata County’s property tax base was derived from methane gas production which has drastically dropped. This has had a deleterious effect on property tax revenue. In 2018, La Plata County’s total property tax revenue was expected to be $15.5 million as compared to $29.4 million in 2010 – a decline of 47%. Our Innovation initiative began in Sept, 2016 to promote, lead, and implement innovation and creativity throughout the organization to maximize operational efficiency, increase job satisfaction within and across departments and to reduce costs.

    La Plata County seeks to streamline and expedite the processes that a county employee must use in order to support our citizens. Replacing paper-based forms and processes with web-forms through Laserfiche is a direct result of the County seeking organizational innovation to maintain fiscal solvency. Throughout our Innovate La Plata program, county staff has been tracking our savings and Laserfiche Forms has been a large contributor to the savings we have realized over the last year and a half.

    We have realized a yearly savings that we attribute to Laserfiche of $65,510. One principal of our initiative efforts is to leverage existing in-house technologies to achieve the stated purpose of the innovation – in this case we used Laserfiche suite of products in addition to MS SQL.


  • IT Portfolio Governance – Intake Process for IT Projects – City of Aurora (>250k population)
    The IT Governance process is a system that defines the distribution of IT decision-making rights and responsibilities across the multiple departments of city government, and established the rules and procedures for making and monitoring decisions against the City of Aurora’s strategic city-wide goals. The IT Department along with City Management is in the process of defining its technology framework within a Run, Grow and Transform Framework.

    While the governance process is well established, it is not “done” and there are incremental and ongoing improvements to the process which are facilitated by the CIO, Deputy CIO and Manager of the Program Management Office within the IT Department.

    The IT Governance Process has raised awareness of governance across the city and led to conversations for the establishment of additional governance processes to respond to the demands for new and innovative technology platforms. The governance process is a city-wide accepted process and has been adopted throughout the departments of the city as process that contributes to a well-managed city.There are currently 24 projects that are actively managed on the ITPMO Project Portfolio and the IT Department has delivered 51 projects to City project stakeholders since this IT Portfolio Governance process began in May 2017.

Fall 2018 - CGAIT Conference

September 30 - October 3, 2018
Hilton Fort Collins, Fort Collins, CO 

Fall Conference collage


Spring 2018 - CGAIT Conference

April 29 - May 2, 2018
Aspen Meadows Resort Aspen, CO

Spring Conference Collage

Fall 2017 - CGAIT Conference

October 15 - 18, 2017
Beaver Run Resort & Conference Center, Breckenridge, CO

Fall Conference collage

Summer 2024 - CGAIT Summer Conference

June 10 - 12, 2024
Snowmass, CO